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Engineering Stories

Deming® Vertical Turbine Pump Install at a Florida Water Treatment Facility Passes the “Nickel Test!”

This is the story of one our most challenging installation puzzles. The pump part was easy: to meet increasing demand at a Florida water treatment facility, a 24″ 200 HP Deming® Vertical Turbine Pump fit the plant’s quality, performance and NSF-certifications requirements.

The hitch came at installation; the pump itself was 152 inches high and needed to fit into an area with clearance of only 92 inches. It’s not uncommon for these long vertical turbine pumps to be dropped down through the roof for installation in a well. At this facility, roof installation wasn’t possible without significant structural damage.

We worked with Process Systems, Inc. (the exclusive manufacturer of the Deming Vertical Turbine pump) as well as facility engineers to evaluate alternatives and develop an installation plan. The pump was customized so that it could be installed in three separate pieces, brought in from the side of the building.

With careful planning, the pump was successfully installed with minimal difficulty. Upon initial startup, the pump ran so smoothly and quietly that it passed the old pump industry “Nickel Test,” where operation is judged by the ability to set a nickel on the edge of the pump top plate and have it not move.